Publications tagged with topic:



Carbon Finance and Trading in the Power Sector in Sub Saharan Africa With Specific Reference to Lesotho

The carbon finance study, is authored by GFA and offers practical recommendations, focusing primarily on capacity enhancement and institutional readiness. Insights shared are derived from integrated findings of desk research, an on-site mission in Lesotho as well case studies from Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda and South Africa. It holds crucial information for improving access to carbon finance and identifying alternatives

Instrument: GET.transform
Region: Africa
Country: Lesotho
Topic: Regulation
Market segment: Off-Grid

Carbon Finance and Trading in the Power Sector in Sub Saharan Africa With Specific Reference to Lesotho

The carbon finance study, is authored by GFA and offers practical recommendations, focusing primarily on capacity enhancement and institutional readiness. Insights shared are derived from integrated findings of desk research, an on-site mission in Lesotho as well case studies from Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda and South Africa. It holds crucial information for improving access to carbon finance and identifying alternatives

Instrument: GET.transform
Region: Africa
Country: Lesotho
Topic: Regulation
Market segment: Off-Grid

Driving Growth: Effective Renewable Energy Tendering in Africa

This is a new report jointly prepared by the University of Cape Town’s Power Futures Lab, GET.transform and the Sustainable Renewables Risk Mitigation Initiative (SRMI); and has been reviewed by practitioners from development banks and regulatory bodies. It highlights renewable energy auctions as a powerful tool in accelerating renewables deployment, fostering competition, and enhancing project realisation rates. Through analysing success factors and auction design best practices, the report also provides valuable recommendations for stakeholders, including governments, policy-makers, and industry players.

Instrument: GET.transform
Region: Africa
Topic: Energy Access, Finance, Regulation
Market segment: On-Grid

Driving Growth: Effective Renewable Energy Tendering in Africa

This is a new report jointly prepared by the University of Cape Town’s Power Futures Lab, GET.transform and the Sustainable Renewables Risk Mitigation Initiative (SRMI); and has been reviewed by practitioners from development banks and regulatory bodies. It highlights renewable energy auctions as a powerful tool in accelerating renewables deployment, fostering competition, and enhancing project realisation rates. Through analysing success factors and auction design best practices, the report also provides valuable recommendations for stakeholders, including governments, policy-makers, and industry players.

Instrument: GET.transform
Region: Africa
Topic: Energy Access, Finance, Regulation
Market segment: On-Grid

Regulatory and Technical Aspects of Electromobility in the Dominican Republic

The report (available in spanish) offers an introduction into the relevant parameters, like types of electric vehicles and charging stations, as well as grid integration aspects and an overview of the key stakeholders and roles in the charging business. It also informs on legal aspects of EV charging and makes recommendations for the required regulations.

Regulatory and Technical Aspects of Electromobility in the Dominican Republic

The report (available in spanish) offers an introduction into the relevant parameters, like types of electric vehicles and charging stations, as well as grid integration aspects and an overview of the key stakeholders and roles in the charging business. It also informs on legal aspects of EV charging and makes recommendations for the required regulations.


Revised Regulation for the Connection and Operation of Renewable Power Plants

The report (available in spanish) presents an updated set of recommendations for revised transmission grid code and also taps into global grid code best practices and offers suggestions for streamlining and modernising the connectivity and operational criteria for both conventional and renewable power facilities within the Dominican electricity market.

Revised Regulation for the Connection and Operation of Renewable Power Plants

The report (available in spanish) presents an updated set of recommendations for revised transmission grid code and also taps into global grid code best practices and offers suggestions for streamlining and modernising the connectivity and operational criteria for both conventional and renewable power facilities within the Dominican electricity market.


SAPP and MSB Market Access Guide

Namibia’s Electricity Control Board (ECB), NamPower and the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) have issued a joint guide to support Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in accessing the national and regional energy trading market. The “SAPP and MSB Market Access Guide” was launched with support from the European programme GET.transform and gives an overview of the market rules and roles in Namibia’s Modified Single Buyer (MSB) and the SAPP regional market.

Instrument: GET.transform
Region: Africa
Country: Namibia
Topic: Regulation
Market segment: On-Grid

SAPP and MSB Market Access Guide

Namibia’s Electricity Control Board (ECB), NamPower and the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) have issued a joint guide to support Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in accessing the national and regional energy trading market. The “SAPP and MSB Market Access Guide” was launched with support from the European programme GET.transform and gives an overview of the market rules and roles in Namibia’s Modified Single Buyer (MSB) and the SAPP regional market.

Instrument: GET.transform
Region: Africa
Country: Namibia
Topic: Regulation
Market segment: On-Grid

Electric Vehicle Charging Regulation

GET.transform provides a short paper on international experiences to help inform effective regulation for electric vehicle (EV) charging. EVs, especially when combined with renewable energy, have great potential to decarbonise the transportation sector. At the same time, regulators are faced with the complex challenge of drawing up new regulation to cater to all aspects of these new mobility and grid use patterns.

Electric Vehicle Charging Regulation

GET.transform provides a short paper on international experiences to help inform effective regulation for electric vehicle (EV) charging. EVs, especially when combined with renewable energy, have great potential to decarbonise the transportation sector. At the same time, regulators are faced with the complex challenge of drawing up new regulation to cater to all aspects of these new mobility and grid use patterns.


Scalable Power Models: Commercial and Industrial (C&I)

This GET.transform case study highlights C&I business models that successfully promote rural industrialisation. The focus lies on scalable power models that leverage renewable energy technologies to trigger growth and development in rural industry in Africa.

Instrument: GET.transform
Region: Africa
Topic: Energy Access, Regulation, Solar Energy
Market segment: Off-Grid

Scalable Power Models: Commercial and Industrial (C&I)

This GET.transform case study highlights C&I business models that successfully promote rural industrialisation. The focus lies on scalable power models that leverage renewable energy technologies to trigger growth and development in rural industry in Africa.

Instrument: GET.transform
Region: Africa
Topic: Energy Access, Regulation, Solar Energy
Market segment: Off-Grid

Towards A Climate-Resilient Energy Infrastructure in Central America

Focusing on Honduras, this study (available in Spanish) has investigated how the electricity sector in Central America could become more resilient to climate extremes. The report, published by the Central American Integration System (SICA) in cooperation with the Energy Ministry of Honduras (SEN) and supported through a Leveraged Partnership with GET.transform, assesses the climate vulnerability of the Honduran power system and makes recommendations to increase its robustness.

Towards A Climate-Resilient Energy Infrastructure in Central America

Focusing on Honduras, this study (available in Spanish) has investigated how the electricity sector in Central America could become more resilient to climate extremes. The report, published by the Central American Integration System (SICA) in cooperation with the Energy Ministry of Honduras (SEN) and supported through a Leveraged Partnership with GET.transform, assesses the climate vulnerability of the Honduran power system and makes recommendations to increase its robustness.


Updating Grid Code Regulations for Renewables in the Dominican Republic

This report is available in Spanish and looks at international best practices for grid codes, provides a gap analysis and makes recommendations on how to simplify and update the connection and operation requirements of conventional and renewable power plants in the Dominican electricity market.

Updating Grid Code Regulations for Renewables in the Dominican Republic

This report is available in Spanish and looks at international best practices for grid codes, provides a gap analysis and makes recommendations on how to simplify and update the connection and operation requirements of conventional and renewable power plants in the Dominican electricity market.


PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids

The “Proyecto Transición Energética” has provided capacity building on technical integration issues of PV in the distribution grid and analysed the maximum PV penetration levels on a number of representative, real distribution feeders in the Dominican Republic. The resulting study, realised through a Leveraged Partnership with GET.transform, provides recommendations to improve the current regulatory landscape for distributed generation.

PV Generation Hosting Capacity in Dominican Distribution Grids

The “Proyecto Transición Energética” has provided capacity building on technical integration issues of PV in the distribution grid and analysed the maximum PV penetration levels on a number of representative, real distribution feeders in the Dominican Republic. The resulting study, realised through a Leveraged Partnership with GET.transform, provides recommendations to improve the current regulatory landscape for distributed generation.
