Principles for the Toolbox of African Model Mini-Grid Regulations
This is a new Technical Guide is presented by AFUR as part of its work on the African Model Mini-Grid Regulations which they are developing in partnership with GET.transform. This technical guideline is highlighting innovative technical aspects which could be considered in mini-grid regulation. The principles discussed in this technical guideline will be incorporated in the mini-grid regulation templates, which are currently under development and expected to be published later this year.
Principles for the Toolbox of African Model Mini-Grid Regulations
This is a new Technical Guide is presented by AFUR as part of its work on the African Model Mini-Grid Regulations which they are developing in partnership with GET.transform. This technical guideline is highlighting innovative technical aspects which could be considered in mini-grid regulation. The principles discussed in this technical guideline will be incorporated in the mini-grid regulation templates, which are currently under development and expected to be published later this year.