Global Energy

Norad logo with Norway flag

European Multi-Donor

Operating Globally –
Focus on Africa

Programme Duration
2018 – 2026

About us

Delivering on Energy and
Climate Goals

The Global Energy Transformation Programme ( is a European multi-donor platform that delivers on international energy and climate goals. Founded by the European Union and the European states Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Austria in 2018, supports the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. offers well-defined and complementary instruments focusing on the private and the public sector. On the one hand, GET.invest mobilises private investments in decentralised renewable energy. On the other hand, GET.transform assists public partners in advancing their energy transitions. In addition, facilitates strategic political dialogue, for instance as the host of the Secretariat of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP). directly contributes to European initiatives such as ElectriFI, Grüne Bürgerenergie or the NDC Partnership. With its scalable and flexible instruments and a streamlined approach, the programme helps fast-track the implementation of European flagship initiatives in the energy and climate sector and provide visibility to joint actions of both the European Union and its member states. By doing so, tangibly contributes to international development goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement.

Global Reach

Active Worldwide
with Focus on Africa operates globally with focus on Africa. As part of its regional measures, through GET.invest supports the mobilisation of private investment projects in 52 countries: 39 in Africa, 8 in the Carribean and 5 in the Pacific. On regional level, collaborates with regional institutions in Africa and Latin America to facilitate the development, alignment, and harmonisation of national and regional energy planning processes and regulations (GET.transform) and strengthens the bi-continental dialogue between Africa and Europe on energy (via the Secretariat of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership).

In addition, mantains Country Windows in  7 countries (Burundi*, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Sub-regional Window in Central America and Uganda). Further Country Windows in Africa and Latin America are planned.

World Map of activities

* The Country Window in Burundi was successfully closed in December 2023. 


Creating Synergies for a
Global Energy Transformation

Mobilising Renewable Energy Investments

At the private sector level, GET.invest mobilises private investments in decentral renewable energy by supporting market access and by building a pipeline of bankable investment projects.

Expected results

85 renewable energy projects translate into 7.4 million people with access to sustainable energy, €1,232 m investments and almost 940,000 t CO2 avoided per year.

Transforming Energy Sectors Globally

At the public sector level, GET.transform offers developing and emerging countries comprehensive advisory services to advance their energy sector transformations.

Expected results

Attractive political and regulatory frameworks for sustainable energy.

Secretariat of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership

In addition, promotes strategic dialogue between Africa and Europe as host of the Secretariat of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP).

Expected results

Improved coherence of European energy initiatives in Africa and effective partnerships for an African energy transition.


Saving Resources through
Efficient Management

While GET.invest and GET.transform operate directly in the private and the public sector, provides the management platform for all donors and instruments. Funding partners can invest into instruments that help boost their own priorities. The joint management of the platform enables synergies between the different political initiatives and provides a sustained contribution towards a global energy transformation. offers central coordination functions, administration, financial management and a robust monitoring and evaluation system. Centralising these functions in one unit equipped with specialised personnel substantially increases efficiency and accountability while allowing the instruments to concentrate on implementation with the advantage of avoiding duplication of administrative resources within each instrument.


Get in touch with

Are you interested to collaborate on transforming the global energy sector? Contact at to get an in-depth understanding of our methodological and management approach.

Global Energy Transformation
Programme (
c/o Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 32 + 36
53113 Bonn, Germany


Norad logo with Norway flag